
Eastern Europe, north-east of Romania

Geographic coordinates

45°28’ – 48°28’ N (350 km), 26°40’ – 30°06’ E (150 km)


  • total: 33843 km2, 139th
  • land: 33371 km2
  • water: 472 km2 (main rivers: Danube, Nistru, Prut, Raut; main lakes: Beleu, Bic, Dracele))

Land boundaries

  • total: 1389 km
  • border countries: Romania — 450 km, Ukraine — 939 km
  • coastline: 200 m at the south extreme point (Giurgiulesti) with the delta of the Danube river

Land use

  • arable land: 53%
  • permanent crops: 14%
  • permanent pastures: 13%
  • forests and woodland: 9%
  • others: 11%

Extreme points

  • lowest point: Nistru River, -2 m
  • highest point: Dealul Bălăneşti, +430 m
  • north point: Naslavcea
  • south point: Giurgiulesti
  • west point: Criva
  • east point: Palanca


moderate winters (in January -4 -7 C°), warm summers (in July +25 +28 C°)


Hilly steppes in the north & center (Codru), plain in the south (Bugeac Plain)

Natural resources

lignite, phosphorites, gypsum, arable land


  • total: 3,55 million [2017, National Bureau of Statistics]
  • density: 121,9/km2

Main cities

  • Chişinău, 745 thousand inhabitants [2017, National Bureau of Statistics]
  • Tiraspol, 159 163
  • Bălţi, 146 thousand inhabitants [2017, National Bureau of Statistics]
  • Tighina, 97 027 [2004]
  • Rîbniţa, 53 648 [2004]
  • Cahul, 39 thousand inhabitants [2017, National Bureau of Statistics]

RELIGION [Population and Housing Census, 2014]

  • Eastern Orthodox Christians — 2,5 million
  • Undeclared — 193 thousand
  • Evangelical Christians — 25 thousand
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses – 17 thousand
  • Pentecostals – 10 thousand


  • Romanian language
  • Other spoken languages: Gagauz, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Hebrew, etc.


Moldovan leu (MDL) = 100 bani

Time zone

  • EET (UTC+2)
  • summer — EEST (UTC+3)

Internet TLD


Calling code


The State flag of the Republic of Moldova

Drapelul de Stat al Republicii Moldova

The State flag of the Republic of Moldova is a tricolour. The colours are arranged vertically in the following order from the flagpole: blue, yellow, red. The coast of arms is printed on the central yellow stripe of the tricolour.

Coat of arms

Moldova’s coat of arms consist of a shield divided horizontally into two parts: the upper part is red, and the lower part is blue with a superimposed auroch’s head showing, between its horns an eight-pointed star. On its right the auroch’s head is flanked by a five –petalled rose, and on its left by a slightly rotated crescent. All heraldic elements present on the shield are of golden (yellow) colour. The shield is laid on the breast of a natural eagle holding in its break a golden cross, in its right claw a green olive-tree branch and in its left claw a golden sceptre.

The State anthem of the Republic of Moldova

verse by Alexei Mateevici, music by Alexandru Cristea

Limba noastră-i o comoară
În adîncuri înfundată
Un şirag de piatră rară
Pe moşie revărsată.

Limba noastră-i foc ce arde
Într-un neam, ce fără veste
S-a trezit din somn de moarte
Ca viteazul din poveste.

Limba noastră-i frunză verde,
Zbuciumul din codrii veşnici,
Nistrul lin, ce-n valuri pierde
Ai luceferilor sfeşnici.

Limba noastra-i limbă sfîntă,
Limba vechilor cazanii,
Care o plîng şi care o cîntă
Pe la vatra lor ţăranii.

Răsări-va o comoară
În adîncuri înfundată,
Un şirag de piatră rară
Pe moşie revărsată.

The State anthem of the Republic of Moldova

download (773Kb, MP3)

Instrumental interpretation of the State anthem of the Republic of Moldova

download (1.1Mb, MP3)

  1. Republic of Moldova is a sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible state.
  2. The form of government of the state is the republic.
  3. Republic of Moldova is a democratic state, based on the rule of law.

Separation and collaboration of powers

In the Republic of Moldova the legislative, executive and judicial powers are separate and collaborate in the exercise of their prerogatives, according to the provisions of the Constitution.


The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova is its Supreme Law. No law or other legal act contrary to the provisions of the Constitution has legal power.

Respecting the international law and international treaties

  1. The Republic of Moldova obliges to abide by the Charter of the United Nations and the Treaties to which it is party, to base its relations with other States on the principles and norms unanimously recognized in international law.
  2. The entry into force of an international treaty containing provisions contrary to the Constitution will have to be preceded by a revision of it.

The unity of the people and the right to identity

  1. The State is based on the unity of the people of the Republic of Moldova. The Republic of Moldova is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens.
  2. The state recognizes and guarantees the right of all citizens to preserve, develop and express their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identities.

Republic of Moldova, neutral country

  1. The Republic of Moldova proclaims its permanent neutrality.
  2. The Republic of Moldova does not allow the deployment of military units of other states on its territory.

The President of the Republic of Moldova is Igor Dodon.

President’s attribute

The President of the Republic of Moldova as the Head of the State represents the State and is the guarantor of national sovereignty, independence, of the unity and territorial integrity of the nation. In this context the notion of “the Head of the State” means the person called to represent the state at the top level representing the entire nation and its territory (Article 77 of the Constitution).

Any citizen of the Republic of Moldova over 40 years of age with the right to vote that has been living in the country for at least 10 years and speaks the State language can run for the office of President of the Republic of Moldova (Article 78 paragraph (2) of the Constitution).

The President of the Republic of Moldova shall be elected by the secret vote of the Parliament. The candidate obtaining at least three fifths of the votes cast by elected deputies shall be considered elected. If no candidate obtains the required number of votes, a second ballot shall be held to choose from the two first-placed candidates, in the order of the number of votes cast for them in the first ballot. If after the second ballot no candidate obtains the required number of votes, repeated elections shall be conducted. If after repeated elections the President of the Republic of Moldova is not elected, the acting President shall dissolve the Parliament and establish the date of new Parliamentary elections. The organic law determines the procedure of electing the President of the Republic of Moldova (Article 78 of the Constitution).

The Constitutional Court will validate the result of the election of the President of the Republic of Moldova. Within 45 days from the date when elections were completed the candidate whose election was validated shall take the oath before Parliament and the Constitutional Court (Article 79 of the Constitution).

The President of the Republic of Moldova takes office on the oath-taking day and his term has a duration of 4 years. The Head of the State exercises his mandate until the next President is sworn in. By organic law the mandate of the President of the Republic of Moldova may be prolonged in the event of war or catastrophe. However the office of the President of the Republic of Moldova may be held by the same person for no more than two consecutive terms (Article 80 of the Constitution).

Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova – Candu Andrian

Parlamentul Republicii Moldova

The Republic of Moldova is a Parliamentary Republic.

The Chairman and the Deputy Chairmen of the Parliament are elected after the legal constitution of the Legislative body. According to the Regulations of the Parliament, the Chairman of the forum is elected for the entire duration of the term by a secret ballot of the majoSaverity of the elected deputies at the proposal of the parliamentary factions. Deputy Chairmen of the Parliament are elected by an open ballot of the majority of elected deputies, at the proposal of the Chairman of the Parliament, after the consultations with the parliamentary factions.

The working body of the Parliament — the Standing Bureau — is formed taking into consideration the proportional representation of the factions in the Legislative body. The Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Parliament are its ex officio members. The number of members of the Standing Bureau is determined by the Parliament’s decision.

The main and the most important documents are subject to debates within the parliamentary factions, which are practically the major political decision-makers in the Parliament. These indispensable units of the Legislative body are established in compliance with the Parliament Regulations within a 10-day term after the Parliament has been legally constituted. Each faction consists of at least five deputies to form working bodies and organize the legislative activity on the basis of the lists of political formations.

The Standing Committees are the working bodies of the Parliament that have a special role in preparation of its works and in exercising the parliamentary functions, especially the legislative and control functions. The Committees are specialised according to areas of activity depending on various areas of governmental responsibilities. They are elected for the entire duration of the term of the Legislative body. The Standing Committees report to the Parliament and are subordinate to it. The Parliament decides upon the number of committees, the title, and the numerical and nominal composition of each committee at the proposal of the Standing Bureau

To draft complex legislative acts, advisory opinions on them or for other purposes indicated in the establishing decision, the Parliament may set up special committees and inquiry committees. The Standing Bureau proposes to the Legislative body for approval the nominal composition of the committee and the term within which the report has to be submitted. An inquiry committee may be established at the request of a parliamentary faction or a group of at least 5 per cent of the number of the elected deputies.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova is – Pavel Filip

In accordance with the Constitution (Main Law) of the Republic of Moldova the Government of the Republic of Moldova is an executive administrative entity of the Republic of Moldova and submitted to the President of the Republic of Moldova.

The Government settles all the questions of state governing which according to Constitution (Main Law) of the Republic of Moldova and the present Law is in its competence.

The Government on the basis and in order to execute laws of the Republic of Moldova, enactments of the Parliament of the Republic, decrees and regulations of the President of the Republic of Moldova adopts and issues orders, organizes and check their execution. Enactments and orders of the Government are compulsory for execution in all the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Structura Guvernului Republicii Moldova:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration

Minister of Economy and Infrastructure

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Education, Culture and Research

Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection

Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment

Administration of Justice

Justice shall be administered in the name of the law by courts of law only.

Courts of Law

  1. Justice shall be administered by the Supreme Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal, by tribunals and the courts of law.
  2. To hear certain categories of cases special courts may be set up under the law.
  3. It is forbidden to set up courts of exception.
  4. The structure of the courts of law, their areas of competence and the corresponding judicial procedures shall be established by organic law.

Status of Judges

  1. Judges sitting in the courts of law are independent, impartial, and irremovable under the law.
  2. The judges sitting in the courts of law are appointed by the President of the Republic of Moldova following a proposal submitted to him by the Higher Magistrates Council. Those judges who have passed the judicature entry test are appointed in their positions at first for a 5-year term. After 5 years judges will be appointed for a term of office which expires with their reaching the age limit.
  3. Both the Presidents and Vice-presidents sitting in the courts of law shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of Moldova following a proposal submitted to him by the Higher Magistrates Council for a 4-year term.
  4. Both the President, Vice-president and the members of the Supreme Court of Justice shall be appointed by Parliament following a proposal submitted by the Higher Magistrates Council. They must provide evidence of work experience in courts of law that is not less than 10 years long.
  5. Judges may be promoted or transferred at their own consent only.
  6. Judges may be punished as provided for under the rule of law.
  7. The office of judge is incompatible with holding an other public or private remunerated position, except In the area of teaching or scientific research.

Public Character of Legal Proceedings

Legal Hearings in all courts of law are public. Cases may be heard behind closed doors only as stipulated by law under compliance with all established legal procedures.


The parties involved in a case and the state authorities may appeal against sentences pronounced in courts of law in accordance with the law.

Compulsory Character of Sentences and of Other Final Legal Rulings

It is compulsory to abide by the sentences and the other final legal rulings pronounced in courts of law and to cooperate with the latter at their specific request during trials, the execution of sentences and other final rulings of justice.

Moldova is an integral part of Europe and has a rich history. This country is situated in the contact zone between different cultural and historic trends – Carpathian-Balkan, Central-European and Eurasian, and during its multi-millennial history harmoniously absorbed diverse cultural traditions of Proto-Indo-Europeans and archaic Indo-European peoples, including the Thracians, Slavs, Celts, Goths, Huns, etc., thus obtaining specific and unparalleled features.

On the territory of the Republic of Moldova we find a special concentration of historical and archeological monuments (approximately eight thousand) which have a cultural and historical value not only at the national level, but also in the general context of human European values.

The territory of Moldova was populated from ancient times. Numerous archeological vestiges confirm the existence of human beings in these places since the epoch of the Inferior Paleolithic (approximately 500 thousand years ago).

At the end of the Vth and beginning of the IVth millennium B.C., in the Eneolithic epoch, the Cucuteni-Tripolie, one of the most remarkable cultures, was formed, with incomparable performances in the field of art of those times.

The Getho-Dacian civilization is dated back to the VI-I centuries B.C., and was spread throughout Moldova. Since 105 B.C. – after the conquest of Dacia by Emperor Trajan, the local population was romanized, taking from the conquerors their language and advanced culture of the Roman Empire.

After the evacuation of the Roman legions from these territories (in 271, in the reign of Aurelian), there began the “migrating nations” epoch (Goths, Huns, Avars, Slavs), which ended up with the formation of the Moldovan feudal state in 1359. Bogdan I is considered to be its founder.

In 1812 as a result of the Russian-Turkish Peace Treaty signed in Bucharest, the eastern part of Moldova situated between the Prut and Nistru rivers, named Bessarabia, was annexed to the Russian Empire, thus being a Russian province until 1918.

In 1918 the supreme authority of the Bessarabian state – Sfatul Tarii, decided to unite with Romania. This unity lasted till 1940, the year when the country was annexed by the Soviet Union as a consequence of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact of 1939. Moldova functioned as a territorial entity within the USSR until the last decade of the XXth century.

On the 27th of August 1991, Republic of Moldova became an independent and sovereign State.

The culture of the Republic of Moldova represents a large gamut of cultural activities: literature, theatre, music, fine arts, architecture, cinematography, broadcasting and television, photographic art, design, circus, folk art, archives and libraries, books editing, scientific research, cultural tourism and so on.

Interpretative Art

Teatrul naţional de opera şi balet

Three concert performing institutions carry out the academic concert activity:

  • “Serghei Lunchevici” National Philharmonic Society (2 concert halls, symphony orchestra, choral chapel, folk songs group);
  • Organ Hall (chamber orchestra and chamber choir);
  • National Palace (“Moldova-concert” Concert and Impresario Organization: artistic formations of music and folk dance, light music).


The Republic of Moldova has a total of 22 theatrical performance institutions: 18 drama theatres, an opera and ballet theatre, an ethno-folkloric theatre and 2 puppet shows. 17 are situated in the country capital and 5 — in other areas. The most important theaters successfully participate in festivals abroad, organize international festivals inside the country, tours to France, Italy, USA, Russia, Japan, China, Romania, other countries.

Fine Arts

The term „fine arts” naturalized in the Republic of Moldova includes three genres:

  • painting (monumental and easel painting)
  • graphics (easel, books, posters, advertisement and others)
  • sculpture (“en ronde-bosse” plastic, bas-relief, high relief, perspective relief)

Over the last years in Moldova there appeared “video-art”, “kinetic sculpture”, “computer graphics”, “body-art”, “performance” and others.

The folk art is being represented by a reach variety of genres, types and species. The most of them are referred to the sphere of „decorative arts”: ceramics, popular carpet, traditional clothes, stonework and woodwork, leather, rod, metal working, popular toys etc.

Exhibition halls: “Constantin Brancusi” Exhibition Center, Moldova National Museum of Arts, private exhibition galleries.


The Moldovan folklore has a strong basis of Dacian-Latin origin and embraces a system of popular confessions and customs, which are specifically defined by means of music and dance, oral poetry and prose, mythology, rites, popular theatre etc.

This cultural inheritance in all its manifestations represents a large area of national art of special value, which not only preceded its cultural forms but also continued to develop in the modern era conferring to the professional culture its ethnical originality.

Cultural Inheritance

Vila urbană a lui Vladimir Herţa

The Republic of Moldova has an important cultural inheritance of incontestable value: archeological sites, dwelling houses, country estates, fortresses, cloisters / monasteries and churches, monumental art works, monuments and technical equipment, building ensembles – squares, streets, quarters, villages and urban centers or traditional architecture ethnographic areas.

The mobile cultural inheritance is owned by 87 country museums, of them 5 museums and 7 branches are directly subordinated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism; 66 of them — to local public authorities. Their funds include about 700.000 units which are a part of national and world culture and history.

Vas ceramică, cultura Cucuteni-Tripolie din satul Bîdragii Vechi

The archeological inheritance of the Republic of Moldova is reach in ancient works of art. There were discovered sculptural models of as far back as the late Paleolithic age.

The ceramics of „Cucuteni-Tripolie” culture from the Eneolithic Age is attested in several areas of the Republic of Moldova and it has incontestable artistic valences representing a whole mythology in pictures.

Culture of ethnic minorities

In the Republic of Moldova there are many ethno-cultural associations. 18 minorities — the Ukrainians, Russians, Bulgarians, Gagauzians, Jews, Byelorussians, Poles, Germans, Gypsies, Greeks, Lithuanians, Armenians, Azerbaijanians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Italians, Koreans, Uzbeks — have associations which operate under the form of communities, societies, unions, centers, cultural foundations etc.

By virtue of the principle of equality and universality of cultural legislation, the ethnic minorities have the possibility to develop their traditional culture and national art. In Chisinau there is the Russian Dramatic Theatre “A.P.Cehov”; in Ceadir-Lunga (ATU Gagauzia) — the Gagauzian Dramatic Theatre “Mihail Cekir”; in Taraclia — the Theater of the Bulgarians from Bessarabia “Olimpii Panov”.

The Republic of Moldova is a picturesque country in Eastern Europe, between Romania and Ukraine. Its territory is easily recognizable on the map due to its similarity to a shape of a grape. If you love to return from a trip with unforgettable impressions and exciting stories to tell your friends, not just fridge magnets, then our country will surprise you and leave you deep emotions. This is what people tend to find in a new journey. All the roads to our welcoming country are open.

10 reasons to visit Republic of Moldova:

1. Wine country and underground wine cellars.

Moldova’s secular traditions have always been accompanied by the culture of producing selected wines. The country’s climate and landscape allow grapes to receive everything they need to enrich their taste: abundant sun and relative humidity. Wine businesses use the most advanced modern technology to prepare this product. Due to this fact, the wine production of the Republic of Moldova is in demand in over 50 countries of the world. No event is organized in Moldova if there is no such divine drink on the table. The wine culture is an indispensable part of the traditions and customs of our people. The Republic of Moldova is known in the world thanks to the famous underground cellars from Cricova and Mileștii Mici. The hundreds of kilometres of underground galleries, which can be driven through by car, will create the feeling of a huge “Kingdom of Wine”. The underground world of wine cellars is equipped with tasting rooms made in a classic and modern architecture. In 2007, the Mileștii Mici wine cellar was included in the Guinness Book of Records, with the largest bottled wine collection in the world. The variety of wine production in our country generates a lively interest from foreign tourists, who are offered numerous wine routes. The most important event, which highlights and characterizes the specifics of the wine culture, is the National Wine Day, a festivity organized annually in the Republic of Moldova since 2002, on the first Saturday and Sunday of October.

2. Medieval jewellery

The medieval fortresses of Moldova played an important role in the history of the country. Fortresses were also used in the many wars that took place on the territory of Moldova. Along the right bank of the Nistru river, the country was defended by the fortresses of Hotin, Soroca, Tighina and Cetatea Albă. Currently, only two fortresses belong to the Republic of Moldova, which have been preserved in good condition and can be visited and appreciated by foreign tourists, these being the fortresses of Soroca and Tighina.

3. Interference of civilizations.

55 km north of Chișinău lies the great realm of the geological and historical past of the area – the cultural and landscape reservation “Orheiul Vechi”. There are several sites that testify about the millennia of history in these lands like Dacian civilization vestiges, a Dacian fortress, the remains of the Sehr al-Cedid fortress, raised by the Golden Horde in the 14th century, the cave monasteries, the ruins of a Tatar public bath. Each of them comes from different era, with its own story and landscaping architecture. Moreover, viewed from diverse angles in different seasons, these nature monuments give us another, more original and more charming image.

4. Hospitality of the people.

For centuries Moldova has been characterized as a hospitable country. Moldovans in rural areas will consider it an honour if you enter their homes. Guests are usually invited to the “Casa Mare” – a traditional room where all family celebrations are held, while being served with the most delicious and select dishes prepared in the countryside by self-made and bio products.

5. Gastronomy and special cuisine

Traditional for the local cuisine are the dishes prepared from a variety of vegetables, grown in an eco-friendly environment, on the fertile chernozem soil of the village farms. The vegetables can be baked, stuffed, pickled or marinated, thus creating true culinary artworks. The large variety of corn and corn flour meals gives a specific flavour to traditional cuisine. It is well known by foreigners the mămăliga, which is porridge, made of corn flour, having a fine and delicious taste. Mămăliga is served with dumplings, roast meat, cheese, sour cream, etc. Sarmale is another traditional product made from vine leaves or cabbage, and is packed with cooked rice mixed with meat. In Moldovan cuisine a special role is played by meat products, especially hot dishes, but also aperitifs, many of which are cooked on a charcoal grill.

6. Historical and archaeological monuments.

Getting to know the history of a state is of interest not only to the local population but also to many foreign tourists who, through various analyses, try to counter the course of history with the development of civilizations. The territory of the Republic of Moldova, inhabited since ancient times, has been influenced by the various cultures of world civilization: from the Romanisation of Dacia to the culture of the Ottoman and Mongol empires, and last but not least, the Slavonic influence. As proof of all these influences stands the imposing number and diversity of historical and archaeological monuments and vestiges.

7. Splendid and intact nature.

Moldova is the country that hasn’t been affected by industrialization. Unpolluted air and ecological habitat will create a pleasant atmosphere of relaxation. The positive energy accumulated during your stay will help you recover, both on physically and emotionally, for a long time. Numerous nature reserves, hills and valleys with rivers and lakes, cliffs and hills covered with secular forests and vineyards will take you to a world of unique sensations.

8. Diverse folk art.

From ancient times, on the territory of Moldova have been developed various genres of folk art such as pottery, carpet weaving, wood and stone carving, artistic processing of metal, egg inlay. The passion for beauty and harmony has been reflected from ancient times not only by the embellishment of the interior of the houses, but also by the tradition of dressing the clothing, of the folk costume. Practiced in the Moldovan countryside, this custom of embroidering clothes, tablecloths and ritual fabrics still persists.

9. Traditional Holidays.

Moldova is a country rich in traditional holidays. The variety is largely based on religious culture such as Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, etc. However, besides the religious ones, there are also holidays that are specific to our folklore, which celebrate: the winter departure, spring arrival, ploughing, cherry picking, grape harvesting, etc. Holidays with cultural and touristic are becoming more and more popular and attract a large number of foreign visitors. The most important are: International Music Festival “Mărţişor”, International Opera and Ballet Festival “Maria Bieșu”, Wine Festival, Ethno and Music Festival “Gustar”, International Festival of Folklore “Nufărul Alb”, International Folklore Festival “Meşterul Manole”, Traditional Folk Festival “Ia MANIA”, National Festival of Traditions “Duminica Mare”, Medieval Festival, International Fair of Potter Craftsmen “La Vatra Olarului Vasile Gonciari”, Bostaniada, etc.

10. Churches and monasteries with an architectural and historical value for the world.

Rich in monasteries and churches, Moldova was called in the 19th century “Southern Tebaida”. The oldest monasteries are the ones from Vărzăreşti, Căpriana, Rudi, Hârbovăţ, Hârjauca, Curchi. The Moldovan cave monasteries also have a special history in the development of the civilization between the Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea, and present some of the oldest architectural monuments from the 14th and 15th centuries. Set up in different periods, deserted and then reestablished, hermitages and monasteries are of great interest to visitors. Some of them still retain the vestiges previous to Christianity. The most famous cave monasteries are: Ţîpova, Japca, Butuceni, Saharna.

The registration of incorporation documents of the foreign company is made by the Chamber of Registration of the Republic of Moldova – (One Stop Shop) of.248, 73, Stefan cel Mare street, Chisinau.

Necessary documents:

For legal person

  • the notary authenticated copy of registration certificate
  • the notary authenticated excerpt (extract) from the national commercial register of investor’s (foreign company) country;
  • notary authenticated copies of incorporation documents of the foreign company (the company’s statute and constitutional agreement);
  • the certificate of foreign company’s solvency, issued by the serving bank;
  • the decision of founder to establish a company with foreign investment in Moldova (this may be the protocol of stockholders meeting, decision of board of directors, etc.);
  • if necessary – letter of attorney for the person authorized to establish a new company in Moldova.

For physical person

  • Copy of passport
  • the card accompanying the passport, confirming the registration with the police bodies at the place of staying in the Republic of Moldova;
  • if necessary – letter of attorney for the authorized person

Important note:

  • All the submitted documents should be translated into Romanian and (therefore authenticated by a Moldovan notary);
  • Taking into consideration that the Republic of Moldova has ratified the Hague Convention of 1961 on the simplified legalization of documents, for all the countries all the documents described above (for juridical persons) must be legalized with the Apostile.

Legal address

Each registered company need a legal address:

  • It could be a home address of one of the founders (in case one of founders are Moldovan residents (citizens).
  • It could be the home address or office spaces of a resident (non-citizen), in case the resident has bought real estate in Moldova.
  • It could be the address of the office, where the company will rent space. In this case the landlord gives a paper permitting to register the company in his/her space.

Registration procedure costs:

Costs implied: Registration period
for SRL (Ltd.) 884MDL= 57 EUR 10 working days
1243 MDL= 80 EUR working days
for SA (Closed Joint-stock company) 1105 MDL = 71 EUR 10 working days
1161 MDL = 107 EUR working days

Other related costs

  • State tax: 0.5% of the Statutory capital
  • Mandatory minimal Statutory capital:
  • for SRL (Ltd.) 5400 MDL = 330 EUR
  • for SA (Closed Joint-stock company) 10000 MDL = 585 EUR
  • for SA (Public Joint-stock company) 20000 MDL = 1250 EUR

Foreign investments can be of different types:

  • hard currency or other accepted foreign currency purchased by the banks of the Republic of Moldova and that make the object of bank operations;
  • achinery, equipment, including office equipment;
  • Property and non-property rights, including the right on intellectual (industrial) property (property right, origin right, copyrights, samples, industrial samples, commercial labels, company names, production and commercial secrets, technologies, know-how etc.). List of contribution in nature to the social capital evaluated in hard currency, authenticated by the foreign partner is presented together with the incorporation documents in 2 copies.

    In case a person has already registered in his property an enterprise that doesn’t function and hadn’t been liquidated in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova or has debts to national public budget, this person will be refused in registration of a new enterprise before the removing the above mentioned circumstances.

Taxation in Moldova: information for companies operating internationally

Taxation in Moldova
[271 Kb]

Useful links:

The objective of the Government of the Republic of Moldova is to increase the country’s competitiveness, which represents an increase in the welfare of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova

The impact of improving the business environment will be expressed by increasing investment, increasing exports, increasing the number of reliable enterprises motivated to implement innovations, capable of creating attractive jobs, ensuring high productivity and competitive export-oriented production, sustained by the advancement of the Republic of Moldova in the Doing Business international rankings (2018: Moldova ranks 44 out of 190), the Global Competitiveness Index, the Economic Freedom Index and the Logistics Performance Index, surpassing the average level in the region.


Legal framework

The legal framework has been strengthened; several laws on the regulation of foreign trade, competition, protection of industrial property rights, etc. have been adopted. An important aspect is that the legislative provisions are in line with the international legal framework, especially with the European Union. This process will continue, as the harmonization of legislation is the key to success in implementing DCFTA commitments. Signed and ratified, the agreement involves liberalizing trade in goods and services, free movement of labor, lower taxes, reduction of technical and non-tariff barriers, abolition of quantitative restrictions and harmonization of Moldovan legislation with the EU. More information regarding DCFTA here.

The tax framework

The Republic of Moldova has one of the most competitive tax systems in the region. From this perspective, there are 48 operational tax treaties on avoiding double taxation with other jurisdictions.

Therefore, the general Corporate Income Tax rate is 12%, Value Added Tax is 20% and Social Security Contributions of 23%.It should be noted that corporate tax may be reduced by half or more if a company is resident in the Free Economic Zone.


According to the distribution of the Foreign Direct Investments by branches of the economy, the main economic activities benefiting from investments are:

  • Production and supply of electric and thermal energy, gas, hot water and air conditioning – 35.13% from the total FDI stock;
  • Manufacturing – 17.51% from the total FDI stock;
  • Financial and insurance activities – 15.08% from the total FDI stock.

In TOP 10 investors for the social capital of Moldova are included the Netherlands, Italy, Romania, Russia, Germany, USA, Austria, Great Britain, Switzerland and Turkey.

As opportunities for attraction of the foreign investors are the Free Economic Zones, Industrial Parks and IT Parks – which are a innovation for the Republic of Moldova.

  • Free Economic Zones are parts of the customs territory of the Republic of Moldova, economically separated, strictly delimited on their entire perimeter, which allow certain types of preferential business activities for domestic and foreign companies. Currently, Moldova has 7 Free Economic Zones, being allocated proportionally in the north, central and southern parts of the country. At the same time, the Republic of Moldova also has the Giurgiulesti International Free Port (the southern region), as well as the Free International Airport “Marculesti”(Floresti, the northern region), both of which have legal status almost similar to the free economic zones.
  • Another industrial platform offering a series of opportunities is the Industrial Park – a relatively new tool for Moldova, created in 2011. Industrial Parks are defined territories where industrial production, service provision, applied scientific research and / or technological development are under certain preferences. 10 projects have been launched for the creation and development of industrial parks in the northern, central and southern parts of the country: “Tracom” in Chisinau city, “Bionergagro” in Drochia city, “Cimislia” in Cimislia city, “Raut” in Bălţi city, “CAAN” in Străşeni city, “Edineţ” in Edineţ city, “Cavi Triveneta Divelopment” in Străşeni city, “Comrat” in Comrat city, “Durlesti” in Durleşti city, and “Cahul“ in Cahul city.
  • „Moldova IT park” represents an attractive environment for IT businesses. The IT Park provides an organizational platform with a set of innovative mechanisms and incentives for the IT industry, as well as a predictable and motivating regulatory framework to facilitate IT business management. The first IT Park “Tekwill” established in Chisinau, comprises 100 resident companies with a turnover of over 1 billion lei. This mechanism has laid the foundation for a competitive IT industry in our country creating prerequisites for emigrated professionals and companies to return to the country producing jobs with competitive salaries. The estimated growth in the number of active IT companies is from 400 to 1000; of IT companies with foreign capital – from 150 to 250; in the number of employees in the IT industry from about 7,000 to 12,500, as well as the sector turnover increase up to USD 270 million and the IT exports increase from 1.5 billion lei to 3.5 billion lei per year. As a result, we anticipate an investment growth in IT industry, new highly skilled and well-paid jobs, technology and advanced practices transfer. Now, we intend to launch 2 others IT Parks, in the northern and southern regions of the country.

More information regarding investments here.

More information regarding the main economic sectors of Republic of Moldova here.

Citizenship through Investment

The Moldova Citizenship-by-Investment (MCBI) program is the latest European citizenship-by-investment opportunity. The citizenship provides access to 121 destinations, including the countries in Europe’s Schengen Area as well as Turkey and Russia. The MCBI program, launched in the second half of 2018, was developed by the Government of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with its service provider Henley & Partners and the Moldovan Investment Company. The program requires applicants to make a defined economic contribution to the country through the Public Sustainable Development Fund of Moldova (Public Investment Fund). In exchange, and subject to a stringent vetting and due diligence process, applicants and their families are granted citizenship.

For more information about MCBI program here.

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